On Dec. 18, 2023, Joseph J. Cirigliano of Nobleboro, Maine, and formerly of Hampton Bays, passed away peacefully with his daughters Carin and Jessica and his wife Carol, of 28 years, at his side. He was 81 years old. Born in 1942, Joe was raised and educated in West New York, N.J. He later graduated […]
The Select Board gave a green signal to Town Engineer Lisa DeMeo to apply for the Shared Streets and Spaces grant to improve pedestrian safety in the town during its meeting this week. According to the Commonwealth’s website, the Shared Streets and Spaces grant program is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and is […]
(Credit: Nicholas Grasso) Five members of the Southold Town Board voted Tuesday evening to adopt findings from an investigator tasked with evaluating allegations by former assistant town attorney Damon Hagan that Supervisor Scott Russell violated the town’s workplace violence prevention and sexual harassment policies. Mr. Russell recused himself from voting on adopting the investigator’s findings. […]
The Saugus Board of Selectmen voted unanimously in favor of Town Manager Scott Crabtree’s appointment of former Department of Environmental Protection Engineer Joseph Dorant, a longtime Saugus resident, to the town’s Board of Health this week. Along with serving at the Commonwealth’s DEP for more than 25 years, Crabtree said Dorant also served on an […]
To the editor:I’m offended to see the harsh treatment of community advocates in the recent opinion pieces “Methinks they doth protest too much” and “‘Keep Lynn affordable’ means keep it poor and underfunded.” The authors seem to want to sow division by calling their neighbors ignorant about how development works or looking for reasons to […]
CORRECTION: Due to a reporter’s error, an earlier version of this article did not accurately represent state Rep. Dan Cahill’s voting record. This article has been altered to reflect that he also had an unbroken voting record this year. The Item regrets the error. Local state Reps. Jenny Armini, Dan Cahill, Bradley H. Jones Jr., […]
Manuel Schwab The principle of “never again” is built into the very foundations of German national identity. The reasons should be obvious. German disavowal of its past through commemoration has become something of a gold standard for countries that have perpetrated unforgivable crimes. And yet, since Oct. 7, Holocaust memory has increasingly been invoked […]
A young mother is struggling to make ends meet with her minimum-wage job. In the current economic climate, finding work with adequate compensation is a challenge for virtually everyone. The nationwide inflation hits even harder in a state with one of the highest costs of living. With the holiday season being the most expensive time […]
Paul Thornton Every time I rip open a lovingly wrapped gift (and plenty of us will be doing a lot of that soon), one thing pops into my mind: trash. The wrapping paper, trash. The package hidden underneath it, trash. And the gift itself, in most cases, future trash, given enough time. Too harsh? […]
At its final meeting of 2023, the Lynn City Council honored three departing members. Ward 1 Councilor Wayne Lozzi, Ward 2 Councilor Rick Starbard, and Ward 4 Councilor Rich Colucci were recognized for their service to the city. None of the three men sought re-election this year. “I will always remember the issues we worked […]