All address information, particularly arrests, reflects police records. In the event of a perceived inaccuracy, it is the sole responsibility of the concerned party to contact the relevant police department and have the department issue a notice of correction to The Daily Item. LYNN Arrests Jamal Bernard, 29, of Leston Street in Mattapan, was arrested […]
Bob Brody Next month, my bride, Elvira, and I will celebrate 45 years of marriage. Forgive me, but I’m pretty impressed with the longevity of our union. In this case, I make the rare exception of seeing no shame in my pride at this accomplishment. I feel this all the more so because my generation […]
To the editor: As we wind our way through Black History Month, this just might be the time to reflect on the role Donald Trump played with the Central Park Five; a case in April 1989 in which five Black and Latino teenage boys were accused of the horrific assault and rape of Trisha Meili […]
Kevin Frazier The Post Office Act of 1792 is the most important piece of legislation you’ve never heard of. This single act turned the postal network into a marketplace of ideas rather than a means for generating revenue. Today, our primary channels for the spread of ideas – social-media platforms – are steered by profit […]
The Swampscott Renewable Energy Committee and Resilient Swampscott will be holding a community meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 27 regarding the town’s potential adoption of the Commonwealth’s new Specialized Energy Code. The meeting’s purpose is to inform community members about the energy code, while also giving them the opportunity to lend their thoughts. The adoption of […]
THE SUFFOLK TIMES Greenport launches online utility bill payments Southold introduces North Fork students to esports RIVERHEAD NEWS-REVIEW Long Island student artists create to celebrate Black History Month Riverhead Brew House eyes spring opening SHELTER ISLAND REPORTER A new Shelter Island Reporter column from Joanne Sherman NORTHFORKER North Fork Dream Home: Cottage beauty on the […]
When the Peabody City Council approved a new parking ordinance governing downtown last year, it was clear that the document was a work in progress, after a number of councilors said they would like to see minor changes made to the ordinance. Now, a memo from Department of Community Development and Planning Director Curt Bellavance […]
Think of Michael Foundation President Carmela Dalton announced that the foundation is donating $10,000 to the Northshore Recovery High School to help fund its after-school programs. The Think of Michael Foundation, which is based in Lynnfield, was established in 2018 in memory of Dalton’s son Michael to help people who are battling substance-use disorder in […]
Adobe stock image Greenport residents can now pay all their utility bills online or by phone, plans for this summer’s Dances in the Park are underway and the price of carousel rides is rising, village officials said at a work session last week. “It’s something that a number of people in the community have been […]
Joey Barrett February 21, 2024 by Joey Barrett Joey Barrett is the Daily Item’s sports editor. He reports on local high schools, colleges, and professional teams. Prior to his current position, he worked for UMass Athletics, the Cape Cod Baseball League, and Gannett Media, among others. Barrett was also sports editor at Endicott College and […]