Redmi K60 and Redmi K60 Pro were launched in the Chinese market in the last week of December. Most recently, the new phones have been put through extensive teardowns to reveal their internals and showcase their repairability. The teardown video of the Redmi K60 and Redmi K60 Pro released by WekiHome shows similarities and differences in their internals. Both models feature a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with a 2K resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate. The Redmi K60 Pro is powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, while the vanilla model has Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC under the hood.
The nine-minute teardown video by the YouTube channel WekiHome starts by opening the dual-SIM (nano) tray of the Redmi K60 and Redmi K60 Pro. The trays are placed at the bottom of the two handsets. Once the rear glass covering is removed, it shows a black frame along with a wireless charging coil.
Rear camera positions are different in the two devices. The Redmi K60 Pro has a larger sensor than the Redmi K60. The teardown video shows a plastic bracket around the vanilla model for adjusting the dimensions. The flash cable is glued on the cover, while the LED lamp bead and a rear ambient light sensor are seen integrated on the cable. They have a similar motherboard layout as well.
The YouTuber finds that both motherboards use a single-layer design for heat dissipation. Apart from the camera, the Redmi K60 series smartphones differ in chipset and memory features. The Redmi K60 Pro is powered by the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, coupled with LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 storage. The vanilla model has Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 under the hood, alongside LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage.
Disassembling the sub-board part shows that the two handsets have similar matching earpiece configurations with two separate suppliers. Both batteries have single-cell designs. The Redmi K60 Pro has a 5,000mAh battery with support for 120W wired fast charging, while Redmi K60 has a slightly larger 5,500mAh battery with support for 67W wired fast charging.
Further, the tear-down video exposes the screen. The Youtuber scratches the glue around the screen to detach it from the body. Both Redmi K60 and Redmi K60 Pro pack CSOT-made screens and C6 luminescent material, while the back of the screen has copper foil coating. The tearing of two pieces of the colling film reveals a VC chamber area of 5000mm square. The vapour chambers seem a bit different in colour with the Redmi K60 Pro having a yellowish finish.
The Youtuber states that the overall power consumption of the Redmi K60 Pro will be lower. However, he adds that the temperature of the devices will be similar.
The teardown video can be watched below:
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