I EXPECTED MORE for the Rice Krispies Treat during this pandemic. It had the makings of a viral social media sensation—a little more effort and reward than the regrowing of scallions, a little less effort and, OK, maybe slightly less reward than banana bread, both of which had their moments.
Perhaps I expected too much. After all, the RKT has forever been the snack whose finest hour seemed destined to be no better than fine.
And yet, while home cooks overlooked this dessert engineered for us non-pros, pastry chefs have adopted it unironically. In their skilled hands, the desiccated doorstop held together by sugar glue has the potential to transcend our limited expectations.
Invented by Kellogg Co. home economists Malitta Jensen and Mildred Day as a marketing initiative to sell more cereal, the standard recipe was first published by
in newspapers and on the company’s Rice Krispies boxes in 1940. These “marshmallow squares” were made of just four ingredients: butter, marshmallows, vanilla and the cereal. (Today’s official version abandons the vanilla.)
While home cooks have overlooked this dessert, pastry chefs have adopted it enthusiastically.
“It’s crunchy, chewy, sweet and buttery,” said Shuna Lydon of Seabird Bakery in Brooklyn, who frequently has an RKT on her menu. “It’s not rocket science why these things [became] popular. You can make them at home. You can find these ingredients in any American grocery store.”
You might wonder why pastry chefs would bother with a baked good that doesn’t require any baking. For some, it’s an alchemical challenge. “On some level you are making candy,” Ms. Lydon said. “You are taking a product, marshmallows, already created in a factory to be just so, and then you’re melting it and turning it into something else.”
Pastry chef Melissa Chou has a similar perspective. “When you make marshmallows, it’s really just a nougat,” she said. Asked to come up with a version of the treat, her mind went to honey nougat and granola bars. Currently working in New Zealand as the creative director of Grizzly Baked Goods in Christchurch, Ms. Chou is planning her return to San Francisco so she can launch her own bakery, Grand Opening. She starts her recipe with the toasting of honey and combines an assortment of seeds, nuts and spices with the puffed rice.
F. Martin Ramin/The Wall Street Journal, Food Styling by Kim Ramin
You could make the marshmallows, but that would add a sub-recipe to your workload, and the treats wouldn’t function as well. In an email, David Yang, co-owner of Wrightwood & Sawyer bakery in Brooklyn, explained, “For the sake of reproducibility, ease and nostalgia I’m happy to go with a bag of marshmallows from the store.” Wrightwood & Sawyer’s January mail-order box included an RKT flavored with matcha, which gives the marshmallows a pale minty-green hue and tempers their sugary flavor.
Mr. Yang brought up another important variable: “The ratio of marshmallow to cereal is key. You want enough melted marshmallows to evenly coat all the cereal, but not so much that it gives the treat the texture of chewing gum.” He and his co-owner, Marissa Sanders, found that “adding brown butter to the marshmallows during the melting process helps the whole mixture get really silky and easier to fold cereal into, and it also gives depth to the whole treat.”
Ms. Lydon has been browning butter for the treats since the late ’80s—accidentally at first. She made them in her college dorm using a contraption consisting of a coffee maker’s base and a wok, which got so hot the butter would quickly move past melted to brown.
At Interlude Coffee & Tea in Manhattan, Melody Kim chars her marshmallows. She takes a blowtorch to the pillowy puffs as customers stop in, enticing them with the familiar aroma of burnt sugar to order an RKT. At home, you can do it (carefully) under a broiler.
When I asked Sonya Jones of Atlanta’s Sweet Auburn Bread Company to give the RKT a Southern touch, she thought of her
cake. To balance the sweetness, she turned to the classic regional pairing for Coke: salted peanuts.
For my own RKT, I wanted something neither entirely sweet or savory, and to exaggerate the gooeyness. I listened to Mr. Yang and Ms. Lydon and browned my butter. I decreased the cereal count. And I stirred in two tablespoons of the umami-rich condiment chile crisp. Otherwise, I kept it streamlined. As Ms. Kim put it, “There’s something to be said for the simpleness and humbleness of a Rice Krispies Treat, and once you start doing too much it really does take away from the beauty and simplicity behind it.”
To explore and search through all our recipes, check out the new WSJ Recipes page.
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